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Choosing The Right Electronic Paper

If you haven’t already started to write things down on a computer, or other electronic device, then you are going to soon. You...

What Is A Computer?

This blog post was written for my nephew, Eshan, who asked me to write about this subject. You wanted me to write something...

Secret Codes

Why Do People Need Secret Codes? Imagine you have a secret you want to tell your best friend, but nobody else. Perhaps last...

Near and Far

The stars on a clear night look as if each are the same distance away from us. Some appear bright and big, and...


Source: Image courtesy K. Churyumov The photo above was taken by Klim Churyumov on 21st September 1969 using a big telescope in Kazakstan...

How Old is the Earth?

How old is our planet, Earth? It’s old. Really old. Mind-staggeringly, head-hurtingly old. In a minute I will give you one useful number...

Why Chase A Comet?

Image courtesy of ESA In my rush to tell you all about the Rosetta mission and update you on it’s progress I forgot...

Landing On A Comet

Source: ESA/Rosetta/MPS for OSIRIS Team MPS/UPD/LAM/IAA/SSO/INTA/UPM/DASP/IDA Since I wrote to you about the Rosetta space mission a few things have happened that I...